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Fortune (magazine) News & Breaking Stories

Ryan Reynolds: How he earned $450 million from Aviation Gin and Mint Mobile, despite his admission of not being an investing wizard
  • 24th Aug 2023

Ryan Reynolds: How he earned $450 million from Aviation Gin and Mint Mobile, despite his admission of not being an investing wizard

Actor Ryan Reynolds has made over $450 million from brand deals with companies like Aviation Gin and Mint Mobile, despite admitting he's "no wizard" at investing. Reynolds is known for his "valued-added investing" strategy, using his name and face to tell a startup's story and increase its return on investment. This tactic is becoming increasingly popular among venture capitalists and angel investors like Reynolds, as well as retail investors using equity crowdfunding platforms. Despite the risks, Reynolds has had a series of nine-figure exits and continues to invest in startups like Nuvei Corp.

What news can we find under Fortune (magazine) News Section?

Exploring the Wealth of Information in Fortune Magazine Can you imagine diving into a treasure trove brimming with insights and analyses about the world economy? Picture yourself embarking on an enlightening journey within each page. That's what it feels like to pick up a copy or browse through Fortune, a popular publication that paints vivid pictures of global business trends, technology, investment strategies and executive lifestyles. Now let me ask you this: What kind of articles do you think are nestled under this topic? In essence, Fortune contains a diverse range of news content guaranteed to hold your interest captive! You'll find financial analyses - similar to cracking open expert level advice which can precede major market movements. Could it be any more riveting? Equally compelling is their spotlight on tech innovation. Can we agree that predictions here have implications beyond just our shopping choices but possibly deciding which industry leaps forward next? It's honestly fascinating. We've barely scratched the surface though! How often do we get insider looks at leadership lessons directly from top executives across various industries? These pearls of wisdom captured within interviews can surely inspire all aspiring leaders out there, don't you reckon? And speaking for action-packed tales high above Wall Street-level analysis — ever read features on corporate controversies or investigations exposing the dark underside of big business practices? Therein lies another dimension completely; akin to peeling back layers revealing striking realities beneath shiny corporate logos! Might I add they also shine lights on personality profiles illuminating success stories imbued with trials and triumphs? Almost like painting realistic portraits showcasing not only achievements defying odds but also humanizing these movers & shakers thus making them relatable tells-tales! To sum up one could say reading Fortune rival pulling living narratives off shelves essentially turning abstract economic principles into palpable characters dancing around tangible landscapes spun in ink—Wouldn’t that be simply captivating?

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