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Pete Davidson Seeks Rehab Support for Mental Health Challenges

Comedian Pete Davidson enters rehab for mental health treatment, receives support.

Beloved actor and comedian Pete Davidson has made the courageous decision to enter a rehabilitation facility, seeking professional treatment for his ongoing battle with mental health issues. According to a source close to the star, Davidson, 29, voluntarily checked himself into the treatment center and is expected to complete his program in the near future.

Initial reports from Page Six broke the news, revealing that Davidson opted for in-patient therapy to address the lingering effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and his previous diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Sources close to the comedian shared that Davidson frequently takes proactive measures to work on his mental health and is fortunate to have unwavering support from his friends and family during these challenging times.

Davidson has been widely recognized for his openness about his struggles with mental health. In a 2017 interview on Marc Maron's WTF podcast, he candidly discussed the events leading up to his diagnosis and his past stint in rehab in December 2016. Davidson initially attributed his extreme mood swings to regular marijuana use, but later received a diagnosis of BPD, which shed light on the underlying causes.

"I found out I have BPD, which is borderline personality disorder," Davidson revealed. "One of my psychiatrists diagnosed me. He was always saying before this big meltdown, 'You're probably bipolar or borderline, we're just going to have to figure it out.'"

Despite the challenges he faces, Davidson remains hopeful and acknowledges the positive impact therapy has had on his life. "It is working, slowly but surely," he shared. "I've been having a lot of problems. This whole year has been a nightmare. This has been the worst year of my life, getting diagnosed with this and trying to figure out how to cope with it."

In a lighter moment, Davidson even joked about his experiences with sobriety and rehab during an appearance on SNL's "Weekend Update." However, it is evident that the comedian takes his mental health seriously and is committed to managing it. He has openly discussed the importance of seeking professional help for depression and emphasized the impact of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Last year, Davidson faced additional challenges when he sought further trauma therapy due to relentless online bullying from Kanye West following Davidson's relationship with West's ex-wife, Kim Kardashian.

Most recently, while promoting his new series Bupkis, Davidson reflected on the complexities of appearing on SNL, where his personal life and romantic relationships often became comedic material. He expressed gratitude for the support he received from the show's cast and crew, particularly executive producer Lorne Michaels, but acknowledged the inherent difficulties of navigating the entertainment industry. Davidson's vulnerability in sharing his struggles highlights the toll that public scrutiny can take on one's mental well-being.

As fans rally behind Pete Davidson, they applaud his bravery for seeking rehab and proactively addressing his mental health challenges. The comedian's openness has not only helped destigmatize mental health issues but has also shed light on the importance of self-care and seeking professional help.

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