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Jaden Smith News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Jaden Smith News Section?

Are you intrigued by the life and career of multi-talented Jaden Smith? There's a lot more besides top movies like "Karate Kid" or groundbreaking albums such as "SYRE." What's bubbling in the latest editions of the Jaden Smith newsfeed? Let’s dive right in!

Jaden, who practically grew up under Hollywood's spotlight, continues to impress us with his versatility. From acting and music to entrepreneurship and philanthropy, he makes headlines over several domains. You're probably thinking- that’s quite an impressive resume for someone so young! Well, same here.

Particularly noteworthy is his recent passion towards activism, predominantly around environmental change. Have you heard about 'JUST water'? This eco-friendly bottled water company founded by none other than our star represents him at his business best! It uses plant-based plastic bottles resulting in 74% less harmful emissions compared to normal PET plastic bottles.

You might also be interested about another adventure – MSFTSrep (Misfits Republic), a collective Jaden started involving music, fashion label and an overall lifestyle brand. On hearing this one cannot help but conjure images from Marvel’s X-men - Now there’s a metaphor!

Fancy some light-hearted pieces too?

Tales of whimsical wordsmithing often float around our beloved celebrity; Like that time when he equated trees' inability to speak with humans’ ignorance! Don't we all love these unpredictable surprises? Remember when he arrived at MET Gala sporting an accessory that was nothing but…his shorn dreadlocks?! Heads don’t spin just on Exorcist movie sets folks!

To wrap it up; whether it be big screen matches against Jackie Chan or soulful beats concordant with human emotions while addressing societal issues – there seems no end tune to what ‘Smith junior’ can do!

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