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Julia Ormond sues Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood studios, and agency for alleged sexual assault

Actress Julia Ormond sues Harvey Weinstein for sexual battery, alleging he assaulted her in 1995. She also sues Disney, Miramax, and CAA for negligence.

Julia Ormond, the renowned English actress known for her roles in films like Legends of the Fall and My Week With Marilyn, has taken legal action against disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein. Ormond is suing Weinstein for sexual battery, alleging that he assaulted her in 1995. However, her lawsuit extends beyond Weinstein alone, as she is also suing the Walt Disney Company, Miramax, and Creative Arts Agency (CAA) for negligence.

According to the complaint filed in New York State Supreme Court and reviewed by EW, Ormond claims that Weinstein sexually assaulted her in December 1995 after a business dinner at her apartment. The actress states that Weinstein insisted on discussing their latest film project at her apartment, which was provided by Miramax as part of their first-look deal. It was there that Weinstein allegedly stripped naked, manipulated Ormond into giving him a massage, and coerced her into performing oral sex on him.

Ormond asserts that she informed her CAA agents at the time, Bryan Lourd and Kevin Huvane, about the incident. However, although they are mentioned throughout the complaint, they are not listed as defendants. Ormond claims that her agents cautioned her against speaking out, warning her that Weinstein could severely damage her career. She further alleges that CAA lost interest in representing her soon after, resulting in a significant decline in her career.

In her complaint, Ormond states, "The men at CAA who represented Ormond knew about Weinstein. So too did Weinstein's employers at Miramax and Disney. Brazenly, none of these prominent companies warned Ormond that Weinstein had a history of assaulting women because he was too important, too powerful, and made them too much money."

Ormond filed the lawsuit under New York's Adult Survivors Act, which grants survivors of sexual assault a one-year lookback window to sue their abusers, regardless of when the abuse occurred, as long as they were over the age of 18 at the time.

Speaking to Variety, Ormond emphasized that while Weinstein is now in jail and will remain there for a long time, there were enablers who allowed his actions to persist. She believes it is crucial to address the root cause of the issue.

Weinstein's attorney, Imran H. Ansari, has vehemently denied the allegations, stating that the evidence will not support Ormond's claims. Representatives for Disney, Miramax, and CAA have not yet responded to requests for comment.

It is important to note that Weinstein is currently serving a 23-year prison sentence after being convicted of rape and sexual assault in New York in 2020. In February, he was sentenced to an additional 16 years for sex crimes in Los Angeles. Over 80 women have accused him of sexual abuse and misconduct dating back to the 1990s. Weinstein has consistently maintained his innocence, claiming that the allegations are motivated by financial gain.

In conclusion, Julia Ormond's lawsuit against Harvey Weinstein sheds light on the alleged sexual assault she experienced in 1995. By also suing Disney, Miramax, and CAA, she seeks to hold accountable those she believes enabled Weinstein's actions. This case adds to the numerous accusations and legal actions against Weinstein, highlighting the need to address the systemic issue of sexual abuse in the entertainment industry.

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