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Entertainment Weekly News & Breaking Stories

Hasan Minhaj: Unveiling His Sketchy Side
  • 16th Sep 2023

Hasan Minhaj: Unveiling His Sketchy Side

"Family values" party ignores scandalous behavior of Congresswoman Boebert and Governor Noem's reported affair. eBay auction items for striking movie & TV crews.

Gwen Stefani's Son, Kingston, Showcases Musical Talent at Blake Shelton's Bar
  • 15th Aug 2023

Gwen Stefani's Son, Kingston, Showcases Musical Talent at Blake Shelton's Bar

Kingston Rossdale, the 17-year-old son of Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, surprised locals by performing at a bar owned by his stepfather, Blake Shelton. A TikTok video of the performance went viral, showcasing Kingston's talent and confidence on stage. The evening also featured performances by Stefani and Shelton, who met on The Voice and got married in 2021.

What news can we find under Entertainment Weekly News Section?

Exploring Entertainment Weekly and its News Content

Hello there! Have you ever wondered about the eclectic world of Entertainment Weekly? Known for its broad spectrum coverage, it's a powerhouse in the entertainment news world. Let's dive straight in!

Entertainment Weekly, with years under its belt, has become a go-to hub when it comes to all things popular culture-related. The depth and breadth of contents they deal with is truly mind-boggling, don't you think?

You'd ask what exactly makes up their content? Well, that's an adventure on its own. Just imagine stepping into an amusement park full of exhilarating rides - that’s EW for you!

Situated predominantly within film industry happenings, anticipating blockbusters or indie films alike are covered extensively by EW. Gasping at photos from movie sets or chatting about a breakout star – does this sound like your cup of tea?

  • Film isn't the only medium though; let me remind you we are talking about a giant here! Television shows find themselves meticulously dissected too; regardless if we're discussing primetime dramas or reality TV shenanigans.
  • Surely music should be somewhere around!? Yes indeed! Reporting on upcoming albums, chart-topping singles and even diving deep into lyrics analysis forms another integral part of this behemoth platform.
  • Award shows buzzes also have quite some representation over here. When was the last time we marvelled at red carpet looks or vent our opinions at award snubs?
  • Celebrity interviews form part of their portfolio as well where readers get to know behind-the-scenes titbits!Click here – feel free to explore endless entertaining instances catered by none other than Entertainment Weekly!

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