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Iranian embassy denies 99 lashes for adultery against Cristiano Ronaldo

Iranian embassy denies viral claim that Cristiano Ronaldo should be punished with 99 lashes for adultery in Iran.

The Iranian embassy in Spain has taken to its social media platforms to deny the claims that Cristiano Ronaldo could face a sentence of 99 lashes for adultery in Iran. This comes after Ronaldo's visit to Tehran last September, where he met with Iranian painter Fatima Hamami, who is a fan of the Portuguese footballer. During their meeting, Ronaldo, in a gesture of kindness, hugged Hamami to show his gratitude for a painting she had created specifically for him. However, what Ronaldo was unaware of is that in Iran, hugging a single woman is considered to be adultery.

The video of the hug between Ronaldo and Hamami quickly went viral, leading to numerous Iranian lawyers allegedly denouncing Ronaldo for his actions. According to Arab media, Iranian justice would have been required to punish Ronaldo with 99 lashes if he were to set foot in Iran again. It is worth noting that the penalty could have been forgiven if Ronaldo had shown remorse for his actions.

In response to these allegations, the Iranian embassy in Spain has strongly denied the existence of any court ruling against Ronaldo or any other international athlete in Iran. They express their concern that the spread of such baseless news could overshadow the real crimes being committed against humanity and the war crimes against the oppressed Palestinian nation. The embassy emphasizes that Ronaldo's visit to Iran was for an official soccer match, during which he was warmly received by the people and the authorities. They also highlight that his sincere and humane meeting with Fatima Hamami was praised and admired by both the Iranian people and the country's sports authorities.

In conclusion, the Iranian embassy in Spain has firmly refuted the claims that Cristiano Ronaldo could face punishment for adultery in Iran. They assert that the reports are unfounded and highlight the positive reception Ronaldo received during his visit to the country. The embassy emphasizes the importance of focusing on real issues, such as crimes against humanity, rather than spreading baseless rumors.

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