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War crime News & Breaking Stories

Israeli forces bomb hospital in Gaza: 500+ Palestinians killed
  • 18th Oct 2023

Israeli forces bomb hospital in Gaza: 500+ Palestinians killed

Over 500 Palestinians, including doctors and women and children, have been martyred in the bombing of a hospital in Israel's Gaza. The hospital is still on fire and attacks on hospitals are intolerable. Israel continues its ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, with no safe place for civilians to escape. Egypt has closed the Rafah Crossing, leaving hundreds of Palestinians trapped without humanitarian aid. So far, over 3,000 Palestinians, including over a thousand women and children, have been martyred in Israel's attacks on Gaza.

Brics divisions re-emerge ahead of critical expansion debate
  • 22nd Aug 2023

Brics divisions re-emerge ahead of critical expansion debate

Brics leaders met to discuss the future of the bloc, with tensions rising due to Russia's war in Ukraine and China's rivalry with the US. China and Russia are seeking to strengthen Brics to counter Western dominance. The summit also aims to boost the use of local currencies in trade to lessen dependency on the US dollar.

What news can we find under War crime News Section?

When you delve into the subject of 'War Crimes', what does that mean? What kind of news content are we likely to encounter? Well, brace yourself! You're about to embark on a journey through a topic as complex and painful as it is important.

'War crimes'—it's one ominous phrase which, when probed further, unearths dark corners in human history. News under this particular heading usually sways towards incidences where there has been gross violation of international humanitarian laws, especially during wars or armed conflicts. So much more than just two words - it's an entire universe soaked in bloodshed and injustice.

Oddly familiar with names like Auschwitz or Srebrenica perhaps? News surrounding terrible acts such as genocide (remember the Holocaust?), torture, hostage-taking and indiscriminate attacks on civilians fall under this category. War crime news also gives significant attention to the legal aspects – trials at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for example, war tribunal findings or imposition of sanctions against accused nations or entities. Involved yet?

You might ponder why even go down this disturbing path? Yes, they make for uneasy reading but boy oh boy(!), aren’t these relevant slimy rocks that need turning over too? It’s about seeking justice for victims while fostering accountability—a way to ensure atrocities remain part our collective consciousness so history doesn’t dare repeat itself.

To wrap up: stumbling upon ‘war crimes’ will plunge you into stories transcending time and geography—from Nuremberg Trials post WWII finding Nazi leaders guilty; to Khmer Rouge regime persecution tales from Cambodia; persecution/extermination horrors by ISIS in Iraq/Syria among others—all painfully underscoring how damaging the effects of power left unchecked can be. Don't shy away - read these news, be informed. As heavy as they are, isn't it our duty to bear witness?

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