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Jared Kushner Reveals Senior Senate Chuck Schumer Upset His Mother by Saying Jared's Going to Jail

Jared Kushner reveals Chuck Schumer's upsetting remarks about Russia ties, defends innocence, and discusses challenges faced during investigations in podcast interview.

In a recent interview on the Lex Fridman Podcast, Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and former adviser to Donald Trump, shared a personal story about his mother being upset over remarks made by Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader in the U.S. Senate, suggesting that Kushner was going to jail over ties to Russia. Kushner recounted how he tried to reassure his mother that they had done nothing wrong, but she continued to hear rumors from friends on the Upper East Side about Schumer's comments.

Schumer, the senior senator from New York, served as the Democratic minority leader in the U.S. Senate during Trump's presidency and has held the position of majority leader since 2021. Kushner, who is married to Trump's daughter Ivanka, played a significant role as his chief adviser during the campaign and in the White House.

During Trump's first two years in power, there were investigations and speculation about his connections to Russia and Moscow's interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Kushner, in particular, came under scrutiny for his interactions with high-ranking Russians. There were also reports that Kushner attempted to have a Washington Post editor fired over the paper's reporting on the matter.

Special counsel Robert Mueller conducted investigations and issued a detailed report, which did not establish collusion between the Trump camp and Moscow but presented extensive evidence of possible obstruction of justice. Despite this, Trump claimed vindication with the support of his second attorney general, William Barr.

Since Trump's defeat in the 2020 election, Kushner has distanced himself from his father-in-law's political operation. However, Trump continues to dominate the Republican primary for 2024 despite facing 91 criminal charges and various legal threats. Kushner's own business dealings, particularly lucrative links to Saudi investors, have drawn attention.

Kushner expressed his perspective on the Russia investigations, stating that he felt like there was a concerted effort to catch him with one misrepresentation and put him in jail or worse. He also shared his frustration over Schumer's comments, emphasizing that it was difficult to see a narrative unfold that he knew to be untrue.

Kushner's experience during the Senate intelligence and judiciary committees' investigations involved more than 20 hours of testimony and spending millions of dollars on legal fees. Despite the challenges, he remains steadfast in his belief that the accusations were baseless.

In the end, the interview sheds light on Kushner's personal experiences and the impact of the Russia investigations on him and his family. It also provides insight into the political dynamics and controversies surrounding the Trump administration.

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