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Presidency of Donald Trump News & Breaking Stories

Donald Trump net worth: How much is it?
  • 27th Jan 2024

Donald Trump net worth: How much is it?

First GOP presidential debate of 2024 will take place in Milwaukee on Wednesday, without Donald Trump. Candidates' personal wealth also discussed.

Ron DeSantis Republicans Trump wrong
  • 21st Jan 2024

Ron DeSantis Republicans Trump wrong

Ron DeSantis was once a promising Republican presidential candidate, but his failed campaign shows how personality matters in politics.

Biden Eases Sanctions on Venezuelan Oil; Republicans Howl
  • 19th Oct 2023

Biden Eases Sanctions on Venezuelan Oil; Republicans Howl

The US Treasury Department has announced that it will temporarily lift sanctions on Venezuelan oil exports and gold for six months, with the option to amend or revoke the authorizations if President Maduro fails to fulfill his commitments. The move has drawn criticism from Republicans, who argue that it supports oppressive regimes and threatens US national security. However, Latin American scholars and energy analysts see it as a positive step towards stabilizing Venezuela's oil industry, which has been plagued by underinvestment and mismanagement.

Cassidy Hutchinson Says Trump is 'Dangerous' and 'Un-American', Flees DC After Testimony
  • 24th Sep 2023

Cassidy Hutchinson Says Trump is 'Dangerous' and 'Un-American', Flees DC After Testimony

Former Trump administration aide Cassidy Hutchsinson claims she had to leave Washington after testifying against Donald Trump and his allies in the January 6 investigation. In an upcoming memoir, she alleges that Trump refused to wear a mask due to concerns about his orange bronzer staining the straps. Hutchsinson also accuses Rudy Giuliani of sexually assaulting her on January 6, a claim he denies. Her book, titled "Enough," is set to be released in September and contains other shocking revelations.

Gov. DeSantis appoints Trump admin lawyer as chair of Elections Commission
  • 22nd Sep 2023

Gov. DeSantis appoints Trump admin lawyer as chair of Elections Commission

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has appointed Chad Mizelle, a lawyer who served under former President Donald Trump, as the new Chair of the Florida Elections Commission. Mizelle is the chief legal officer of Affinity Partners, a global investment firm founded by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner. DeSantis also reappointed two members to the Commission, one of whom donated $50,000 to a super PAC supporting DeSantis' presidential campaign. The appointments are subject to Senate approval.

What news can we find under Presidency of Donald Trump News Section?

Ever wondered what kind of news categories can be covered under the banner of Presidency of Donald Trump? Well, buckle up for a whirlwind tour through this highly dynamic and fascinating topic.

The Starting Point

The Presidential journey commences with the Nomination & Election. This segment paints a vivid picture of how Donald Trump emerged as a daunting figure in American Politics, his successful 2016 campaign that overcame numerous obstacles, defying all odds to claim victory.

Economic Aspects: 'Trump's Economy'

Moving on, we have the category titled 'Trump's Economy.' Wondering how did Mr.Trump handle America's money? Here’s your answer! Covering policies on taxes, trade wars primarily with China or job creation stats – it gives you an insight into economic shifts during his tenure.

Foreign Policies - Global Impact!

No presidency coverage is complete without understanding their impact abroad i.e., Foreign Policy. Learn about decisions involving star players like North Korea and Russia in here!

Societal Impacts

We also dive deep into societal effects via sections such as `Immigration`&`Racial tensions`. This shows how actions at Capitol Hill played out across diverse communities.

The Climax: Impeachment Trials?

Last but definitely not least, `Impeachment Proceedings.`- A Scar or Stamp?. Not once but twice President Trump faced charges – each time sending waves across nations. Is it proof of misconduct or trumped-up allegations against him?' You decide.

In conclusion, covering these five listed areas gives you nothing less than an adventure ride through political amusement park designed by Mr.Donald J Trump himself! But remember folks...",breaking news is just around the corner... always!" Don't you think so?"

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