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Ron DeSantis seeks campaign issue by blaming Trump for Satanic Temple display in Iowa

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis blames Trump's administration for allowing Satanic Temple display at Iowa Capitol. Iowa Republican leaders divided over it.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has recently voiced his concerns about the Satanic Temple of Iowa's display in the Iowa Capitol, blaming the Trump administration for granting the organization religious status. The temple was allowed to set up an altar and a figure of the pagan idol Baphomet in the Capitol under a state policy that permits temporary religious displays. The presence of a Christian nativity scene alongside the satanic display has sparked division among Iowa Republican leaders, with Governor Kim Reynolds advocating for more speech in response to objectionable displays.

DeSantis, however, has taken a firm stance against the Satanic Temple's display, stating that it is not a genuine religious expression and should be removed. He also criticized the Trump administration's decision to grant the Satanic Temple religious status, expressing surprise at the 2019 IRS ruling that recognized the organization as a religion. DeSantis questioned whether the founding fathers intended to create a religion like the Satanic Temple.

While there is no evidence linking Trump to the IRS decision, DeSantis continues to hold the former president responsible. In response, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign criticized DeSantis' remarks, implying that he lacks credibility and is resorting to falsehoods in his campaign.

The controversy surrounding the Satanic Temple's display in the Iowa Capitol has become a focal point in the political landscape, with DeSantis and other Republican leaders expressing their views on religious freedom and government policies. The issue has sparked a heated debate, highlighting the intersection of religion and governance in the United States.

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