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Sean Diddy Combs assaults Cassie Ventura in video: CNN - National

Rapper Diddy caught on surveillance video brutally assaulting ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura in 2016. Federal investigation for sex trafficking.

The shocking surveillance video obtained by CNN and shared on Friday reveals a disturbing incident involving rapper Sean "Diddy" Combs and his ex-girlfriend, Cassie Ventura, in 2016. The footage, dated March 5, 2016, captures Combs chasing after Ventura in a hotel hallway, grabbing her by the neck, throwing her to the floor, kicking her, and dragging her by her sweatshirt. The video shows Combs engaging in violent behavior towards Ventura, displaying a pattern of control and abuse.

The gut-wrenching video, captured from multiple angles by surveillance cameras at the InterContinental Hotel in Century City, Los Angeles, confirms Ventura's lawyer, Douglas Wigdor, as his client. Wigdor condemns Combs' predatory behavior and expresses Ventura's courage in coming forward to shed light on the abuse she endured. Ventura's lawsuit against Combs, filed in 2023, details a decade of control and abuse, including disturbing allegations of rape, forced sexual encounters, and physical violence.

The lawsuit paints a harrowing picture of Combs' behavior towards Ventura, alleging instances of uncontrollable rage, physical assault, and manipulation. Ventura's complaint claims that Combs paid $50,000 for security tapes of a physical altercation in 2016, where he punched her in the face, causing a black eye. The lawsuit describes a cycle of abuse where Combs would become enraged, leading to violent outbursts and threats towards Ventura.

Despite Ventura agreeing to an undisclosed settlement in the lawsuit, Combs faces additional legal challenges, including accusations of sexual misconduct and rape from other individuals. The recent raid on Combs' luxury properties by Homeland Security agents on March 25 further intensifies the scrutiny surrounding the rapper. Agents searched his homes in Los Angeles and Miami, seizing evidence and electronic devices.

The unfolding investigation into Combs' alleged involvement in sex trafficking raises serious concerns and underscores the gravity of the accusations against him. The raid on his properties, coupled with ongoing legal battles, paints a troubling picture of the rapper's personal and professional life. The disturbing footage, legal battles, and federal investigation cast a shadow over Combs' reputation and raise questions about accountability and justice in cases of abuse and misconduct.

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