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Hotel News & Breaking Stories

FBI Investigating MGM Cyberattack
  • 13th Sep 2023

FBI Investigating MGM Cyberattack

FBI investigates cyberattack that shut down computer systems and credit card transactions at MGM Resorts properties, details undisclosed.

MGM cyber-attack's potential multimillion-dollar impact, say cybersecurity experts.
  • 13th Sep 2023

MGM cyber-attack's potential multimillion-dollar impact, say cybersecurity experts.

MGM Resorts is facing a cybersecurity breach that has caused disruptions to its operations, potentially costing the company millions of dollars per hour. The breach is believed to be financially motivated, and experts warn against paying the ransom demanded by the hackers. Customers are advised to be cautious of emails that appear to be from MGM and to monitor their credit reports for any suspicious charges.

Kevin Mitnick, renowned hacker turned security expert and FBI-wanted felon, passes away at 59
  • 22nd Jul 2023

Kevin Mitnick, renowned hacker turned security expert and FBI-wanted felon, passes away at 59

Kevin Mitnick, the most celebrated US hacker, has died at the age of 59. Mitnick was known for his pioneering antics in the 1980s and 1990s, tricking employees into helping him steal software and services from large phone and tech companies. He was imprisoned for five years until 2000, after which he became a respected cybersecurity professional, public speaker and author. Mitnick died in Las Vegas on 16 July after a 14-month battle with pancreatic cancer.

What news can we find under Hotel News Section?

Hey, have you ever wondered what sort of news content one can expect under the niche topic 'Hotel'? Well, in this quick chat together, let's unravel that mystery.

First off, we start with all those eye-catching headlines revolving around new hotel launches. Just imagine checking in to a brand spanking new luxury suite as part of a delightful hospitality experience and just feeling like royalty! Now who wouldn't want to keep pace with updates about latest hotel openings?

Ah! But here's another surprise, hotels often become hubs for international events; be it art exhibitions or global summits. Imagine yourself strolling across ornate corridors that are bustling with artists showcasing their marvellous talents or walking into lobbies brimming with discussions about climate change or economics - it's just riveting!

Are You Ready For More?

Laying aside the glitz and glamour now, we also get hard-hitting reports pertaining to labour issues within these establishments. Every rose has its thorns they say - same way even our cherished havens aren't far from hitches sometimes; bit shocking isn't it? News items highlighting job market trends, worker grievances and regulatory policies constitute a significant portion of relevant stories related to hotels.

Sustainability Talk

We also come across several articles focused on sustainable practices adopted by various hotels. Today it seems everyone’s going green right? Like baking your cake (or cooking up an eco-friendly buffet perhaps) while saving power too! It could be innovative recycling programs or usage of renewable energy resources – these valuable insights add up towards creating better environments for guests and employees alike.

Last Piece

In summary then my friend: 'hotel news' is quite truly like opening doors into diverse rooms each having unique tales captivating enough for every individual traveller out there!

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