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2020 United States elections News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under 2020 United States elections News Section?

2020 United States Elections: A Dramatic Year in Politics

Wow, wasn't 2020 a rollercoaster year? And when it comes to the United States elections, boy did it hit like a crescendo! The races for the presidency, senate seats and local positions unfolded against an unprecedented backdrop. Ain't no understatement saying that!

The Presidential Race

A primary focus would have been the contentious presidential election between Democrat Joe Biden and incumbent Republican President Donald Trump. Do you remember how intensely fought this was? From televised debates (fraught with interruptions!) to extensive campaigning - it's as if our news feeds had little room left for anything else!

The Aftermath & Allegations of Voter Fraud

The drama didn’t end at the polling booth either! Oh no, we saw weeks of court battles over unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud from Trump’s campaign. Images throughout media outlets showed protestors storming Capitol Hill in January 2021.
Weren’t these moments somewhat surreal? It felt like something straight outta House Of Cards!

Elections amid Pandemic

We can't forget that all these were set against the ominous shadow of a global pandemic. Imagine trying to conduct national elections while ensuring safety protocols. To visualize this scenario is quite challenging – just like running uphill on ice.

In A Nutshell...

So there you go folks - just scratching surface here about what renowned publications covered under '2020 United States elections'. Who could've thought an election cycle could keep us riveted so viscerally and virtually every waking moment? Games Of Thrones doesn't even come close when politics does its thing!

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