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2016 United States presidential election News & Breaking Stories

Biden Eases Sanctions on Venezuelan Oil; Republicans Howl
  • 19th Oct 2023

Biden Eases Sanctions on Venezuelan Oil; Republicans Howl

The US Treasury Department has announced that it will temporarily lift sanctions on Venezuelan oil exports and gold for six months, with the option to amend or revoke the authorizations if President Maduro fails to fulfill his commitments. The move has drawn criticism from Republicans, who argue that it supports oppressive regimes and threatens US national security. However, Latin American scholars and energy analysts see it as a positive step towards stabilizing Venezuela's oil industry, which has been plagued by underinvestment and mismanagement.

Trump skips GOP debate, speaks with Tucker Carlson
  • 24th Aug 2023

Trump skips GOP debate, speaks with Tucker Carlson

Former President Donald Trump, the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, is skipping the first GOP debate and opting for an interview with Tucker Carlson instead. The interview will be available on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, and airs just before the debate. Trump's decision is seen as a slight to Fox News, the debate host. Despite legal trouble, Trump's lead in the polls continues to grow.

Ecuador Presidential Candidate Fernando Villavicencio Shot Dead at Campaign Event
  • 10th Aug 2023

Ecuador Presidential Candidate Fernando Villavicencio Shot Dead at Campaign Event

Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio was shot and killed at a political rally, sparking concerns over rising violence and drug trafficking in the country. President Guillermo Lasso vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice, suggesting organized crime was involved. Other candidates demanded action and expressed their outrage over the assassination.

Raising Money and Poll Numbers: Donald Trump Stays Teflon Don Amid Indictments
  • 4th Aug 2023

Raising Money and Poll Numbers: Donald Trump Stays Teflon Don Amid Indictments

Donald Trump remains the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination despite facing multiple indictments and scandals, with each indictment boosting his support and fundraising numbers. His ability to weather legal challenges has reinforced his "Teflon Don" persona and messaging strategy that the system is rigged against him. While his legal troubles may hurt him with independent and swing voters, Trump remains confident of his chances and sees each indictment as bringing him closer to the White House.

  • 1st Aug 2023

"Joe Biden Should Be Concerned About the Impact of Donald Trump"

The first New York Times/Siena College poll on the 2024 presidential campaign shows a close race between Biden and Trump. Biden has stronger support among Democrats but lacks enthusiasm. Hispanic voters show potential vulnerability. Trump's legal issues and Biden's son's investigations could impact the race. Age remains a factor.

Is North Carolina Set to Emulate Florida's Approach under Ron DeSantis?
  • 6th Jul 2023

Is North Carolina Set to Emulate Florida's Approach under Ron DeSantis?

Mark Robinson, the leading Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina, has a history of sharing sexist, homophobic, and transphobic views, as well as trivializing assault. Already with a veto-proof GOP majority in the state legislature, North Carolina may be poised to lose its purple state cred.

Supreme Court dismisses groundbreaking legislative theory, while preserving potential for 2024 election challenges
  • 28th Jun 2023

Supreme Court dismisses groundbreaking legislative theory, while preserving potential for 2024 election challenges

The US Supreme Court has rejected a controversial legal theory that could have changed the way elections are run across the country. The court ruled 6-3 that legislatures do not have absolute power in setting the rules of federal elections and can be second-guessed by state courts. However, the court also stated that state courts must act within "ordinary bounds" when reviewing laws governing federal elections. This has left the door open to more limited challenges that could increase the Supreme Court's role in deciding voting disputes during the 2024 presidential election.

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