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66th Primetime Emmy Awards News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under 66th Primetime Emmy Awards News Section?

Behind the Glitz: Unpacking the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind those sparkling gowns and sharp tuxedos at one of television's most awaited nights? I'm talking about the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards, a night that had Hollywood buzzing with anticipation. It's not just about who wore it best or who was caught off guard by the "wrap up" music. There’s so much more to dig into!

'Breaking Bad', remember that show that kept us all on our toes? Well, they cleaned house, snagging accolades left and right including the prestigious Outstanding Drama Series award. And speaking of drama, did you catch Bryan Cranston planting a smacker on Julia Louis-Dreyfus before she collected her trophy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series? Bet no one saw that coming – talk about an awards show plot twist!

No round-up would be complete without mentioning 'Modern Family'. This bunch seems to take home the gold year after year, and this time was no different as they bagged themselves another Outstanding Comedy Series title. It makes you wonder: is there some secret family recipe to their success?

The Emmys celebrate excellence in national primetime programming, giving nods across various genres from sophisticated miniseries like 'Fargo' to enthralling documentaries. Each category sparking conversations—is your favorite detective series really better than a high-stakes political drama?

You’ve got stars delivering passionate acceptance speeches (and even more passionate fashion statements), but also championing causes close to their hearts – reminding us there’s substance beneath all that style.

Dive beyond the surface news content of winners and nominees under this glimmering spectacle of TV honors!

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