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Clarence Avant, 'Black Godfather' of Entertainment and Philanthropist, Passes Away
  • 14th Aug 2023

Clarence Avant, 'Black Godfather' of Entertainment and Philanthropist, Passes Away

Clarence Avant, the influential "Black Godfather" of music and entertainment, has died at the age of 92. Avant helped launch the careers of Quincy Jones, Bill Withers, and many others. He was known for his behind-the-scenes work as a manager, adviser, and facilitator in the industry. Avant's legacy extends beyond music, as he also made significant contributions to sports and politics. His family released a statement expressing their sorrow over his loss and celebrating the impact he had on the world.

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Fan of technology and AI? Then I've got exciting news for you! Andscape encompasses cutting-edge developments and breakthroughs from these fields. The highlight is evidently Google's recent unveiling: Machine Learning models developed by their company Theta Labs.

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No more wandering aimlessly through the dense forest of online journalism; step into 'Andscape', your very own curated wonderland! So next time when you dive deep into web territory hunting for quality reads... why not give 'Andscape' a try?

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