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Big Boi News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Big Boi News Section?

Hey there, have you ever taken a moment to indulge in the captivating world of hip-hop? If yes, then the name Big Boi must ring familiar bells. An iconic figure looming large over this genre's landscape, he has made numerous contributions that are irrevocably imprinted on modern music. So what buzz does our fave Big Boi continue to generate in today's news content?

The answer might surprise you!

One point that keeps popping up like a stubborn dandelion amidst your neatly-manicured lawn is his recent album. Have you heard about it yet? Yes! It's the awaited sequel to their acclaimed debut album 'Sir Lucious Left Foot', titled 'The Son of Chico Dusty'. And just like your favorite sequel movies, fans are waiting with bated breath - will it be able to live up-to its predecessor’s benchmark or not? As big boi himself said: “you know it'll be an instant classic.”.

A secondary piece of exciting news revolves around his collaborations - remember how good "Bombs Over Baghdad" sounded when OutKast teamed up with Rage Against The Machine for its remix version way back in 1999? Well, now imagine a collaboration between Big Boi and Kate Bush; can't contain your excitement right? Neither can we!

Beyond these juicy releases and intriguing collabs, one cannot ignore discussions related to Big Boi’s philanthropy too! His dedication towards gathering resources for Atlanta’s underprivileged communities doesn’t go unnoticed by his loyal fan base.

In essence (or should I say under this enthralling topic?), lots of intriguing elements lurk beneath the surface—music albums garnering rave reviews globally, electrifying collaborations poised at tantalizing our eardrums and his unwavering commitment towards philanthropy—it all paints quite a picture about this dynamic musical genius known as'Big Boi'.

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