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Blue Sky Studios News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Blue Sky Studios News Section?

Discover the Magic of Blue Sky Studios

Ever wondered what's brewing under the creative umbrella of Blue Sky Studios? Well, I'm sure you've seen their spellbinding animation in blockbusters like 'Ice Age' and 'Rio,' right? Come on; free your imagination to explore, let's delve into some recent news surrounding this beloved establishment.

We can’t ignore that since Disney acquired 20th Century Fox in 2019, things have shifted. In early 2021, an unexpected wind blew through - Disney announced its decision to shutter Blue Sky Studios,. This gut-wrenching hit blindsided fans worldwide.

"So, why would they do such a thing?", you might ask. The insidious COVID-19 pandemic proved too disruptive for many businesses around the globe -- even this giant animation powerhouse was affected.

The last gift from Blue Sky was "Nimona', which unfortunately got cancelled mid-production but despite that hurdle 'Nimona' made it clear once again just how proficient and unique Blue Sky really is.. It felt almost bittersweet…like a brilliant firework marking an end to an era."

You see, there’s something extraordinary about the genii at Blue sky Studios; much like an artist uses broad strokes of blue paint across a canvas – transforming it into a bright summer scene with nothing more than faith and creativity. Their animations bring forth vibrant colors stirring atop our screens creating masterpieces met only by awe-struck eyes blinking back at them!

A Legacy Lives On...

Sadly no new projects bearing imprint of our favorite studio are expected anytime soon. Nevertheless! Rest assured knowing those talented artists continue weaving magic elsewhere in Hollywood. Bidding goodbye doesn't fade away legacy,'The heart remembers , oh believes...

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