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Cannon (TV series) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Cannon (TV series) News Section?

Cannon: A Deep Dive into this Iconic TV Series

Remember when TV detective shows reigned supreme? Of course you do! Among these classics stands one series that inevitably springs to mind—Cannon. But what news is buzzing about the show these days?

Within the sphere of Cannon coverage, there's often a multitude of fascinating behind-the-scenes tidbits. Did you know, for instance, that this popular sleuthing spectacle was aired from 1971 to 1976 on CBS?[1]

'Cannon', featured William Conrad (famous for his voiceover work in ‘Rocky and Bullwinkle’) as Francis Xavier Cannon—a rotund but remarkably agile private investigator who used brains over brawn. Ever wondered why he was limping throughout the series?

You'd be amazed to realize it’s down to an incident during Conrad's service in World War II where he sustained a leg injury—it’s not purely fictional!

Moving further away from well-trodden trivia though, recently there has been increasing chatter about possible remakes or spin-offs echoing other '70s hits like ‘Hawaii Five-O’. How crazy would it be if we were able see our favorite hefty detective slinging zingers once again on primetime television?[2]

The Popularity & Cult Status:

The legacy of ‘Cannon‘ continues even today with recent screenings on outlets such as MeTV giving viewers an indulgent plunge into nostalgia.

Pretty cool huh? Equally noteworthy is how Cannon paved way for atypical action heroes who weren't reliant solely on their physical prowess.[3]

To wrap up our nostalgic trip, I hope your appetite has been whetted by all those intriguing morsels encompassed under 'What news content can we find under the topic Cannon'. The influence and popularity continue rolling just like its protagonist... striding valiantly across time!

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