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Computer News & Breaking Stories

Kevin Mitnick, renowned hacker turned security expert and FBI-wanted felon, passes away at 59
  • 22nd Jul 2023

Kevin Mitnick, renowned hacker turned security expert and FBI-wanted felon, passes away at 59

Kevin Mitnick, the most celebrated US hacker, has died at the age of 59. Mitnick was known for his pioneering antics in the 1980s and 1990s, tricking employees into helping him steal software and services from large phone and tech companies. He was imprisoned for five years until 2000, after which he became a respected cybersecurity professional, public speaker and author. Mitnick died in Las Vegas on 16 July after a 14-month battle with pancreatic cancer.

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From the palm of our hands to sprawling office setups, computers shape each and every corner of contemporary life. Wondering what can you possibly find under the heading ‘Computer’ in a news portal? From innovative trends to product announcements, breaking discoveries or thought-leading tech gurus' advice - it's like stepping into a hub of digital civilization! Isn't that impressive?

A Glimpse Into Tomorrow: Mostly such news serves up as your crystal ball; throwing light on future technology (intriguing, right?). Ever wondered how augmented reality will change gaming experience? What new features does Windows 12 has rolled down its sleeve? Tune in to create epic moments from our collective technological journey.

The Gadgets' Symphony: If devices are an orchestra then every announcement is a fresh symphony debut. You get all information about revolutionary software applications and high-tech hardware developments there. It's like finding out Mozart’s newest composition before his grand concert – thrilling!

Troubleshooting Tips:To enjoy good music we need well-tuned instruments and computers aren't any different. You might procure DIY quick fixes or expert troubleshoot solutions at your fingertips for those little hiccups making real difference between harmony and cacophony..

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