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Kismet (musical) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Kismet (musical) News Section?

Ever wondered about what's beneath the marquee of Kismet, one of the legendary Broadway Musicals? Well, let me take you on a tantalizing journey through this enchanting work! Headlining our news content today, we delve into Kismet like never before.

Kismet, set in the mystical allure of ancient Baghdad, debuted on Broadway way back in 1953 and quickly became a sensation—loved for its unique blend of vibrant characters and gripping storyline. But did you know that it was based off an older play by Edward Knoblock? Delightful little tidbits like these are around every corner!

In addition to power-packed performances, Kismet also stuns with its ingenious music composition. Remember "Stranger In Paradise"? That mesmerising tune lingering over your ears is from none other than Robert Wright and George Forrest’s magical tunesmith shop- they’ve spun-off melodies inspired by Alexander Borodin's classical works.

We're not forgetting those Oscars either! The stellar film adaptation won several Academy Awards in 1956, marking another successful chapter for Kismet. Or how about giving Applause to Alfred Drake who performed Hajj - really breathed life into him didn’t he?

A glimpse at Kismet inevitably leads us to discuss fearless damsels such as Marsinah (or Dolores Gray should I say?) Not just a damsel-in-distress but a fiery force challenging her destiny. Now that’s an empowering narrative still reverberating across theatres today, isn't it?

The intriguing complexities presented by Kismet make it stand out even among classics - truly as unpredictable as 'fate', which the term ‘Kismet’ means in Turkish and Urdu.

Similarities between then-day Baghdad & now-world can sometimes be too uncanny right?

What more might lurk under the gilded curtain of Kisment? To keep up with all the buzzing developments surrounding this timeless musical epitome — stay tuned!

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