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Paragon (video game) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Paragon (video game) News Section?

Delving into the World of Paragon: Unraveling its Exciting News and Updates

Paragon, remember that name? An often-overlooked gem in Epic Games' repertoire, this fascinating game continues to make waves in the gaming community. Now you may ask: "What fresh news could there be about a game released years ago?" Well, read on to find out!

To start things off, let's recall what made Paragon stand out — its high-quality graphics powered by Unreal Engine 4 and its unique blend of third-person shooter and MOBA elements. Frustratingly enough though, it's been discontinued abruptly by Epic with all of their focus shifting towards Fortnite due to skyrocketing popularity.

Evidently dissatisfied with an abrupt end like that for such a promising title didn't sit well with some hardcore fans at all - dare I say our hero enters here? A launchpad project named Predecessor came into the limelight last year aiming to recreate Paragon's. Sounds pretty exciting right?

If clawing back from non-existence wasn't suspenseful enough already then hear me when I say Predecessor is running alpha tests! Not only have they recreated characters from scratch but also unveiled new designs. Dedicated developers indeed!

Moving onto something equally scintillating yet more behind-the-scenes sort of way… ever heard of Omeda Studios? They are cracking away diligently at making another spiritual successor called ‘Fault’. What makes them stand apart you wonder? For starters, fault was greenlit on Steam’s Early Access platform earning praise nationwide – talk about a humongous lift-off huh?

In conclusion dear reader , while we might not get traditional 'news' updates from Epic games regarding Paragon, the quenchless passion exhibited by these indomitable studios give us much hope indeed! Be it Predecessor or Fault- clearly there’s more than one shining star rising up in this relit universe!. Rest assured faithful gamer; your beloved Game Universe is being redefined with unbounded zeal – witnessing true reminiscent magic! Excited much now aren't we?

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