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Paul Goldschmidt News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Paul Goldschmidt News Section?

Well, Have You Heard About Paul Goldschmidt?

If you are a fan of Major League Baseball (MLB), the name 'Paul Goldschmidt' might leave your eyes twinkling, am I right? This six-time All-Star first baseman holds an array of accomplishments under his belt as if he is collecting baseball cards.

Just think about it! It's akin to baking the perfect cookies, each ingredient contributing uniquely like his multiple Gold Glove and Silver Slugger Awards. But what stirs up news and content under this gentleman's name recently?

The Stint with Cardinals

Remember when news broke out in 2018 about him being traded to our beloved `St. Louis Cardinals`. Yes, that was a big headline then! He has consistently been stirring up notable performances for the team making fans beam from ear-to-ear. Are there any updates on his contract? Is he extending his play time with Cardinals or testing new waters?

Goldschmidt’s Philanthropy Drive

Ever heard of athletes doubling as philanthropists? Pretty inspiring isn’t it?. Well, there’s more to Mr.Goldschmidt than just baseballs and gloves. He's quite dedicated off-the-field too; particularly known for supporting Phoenix Children Hospital by launching the 'Goldy Fund 4 Kids'. Hope they call him `Gold-y` because he does have such a golden heart!

So next time you search 'Paul Goldschmidt', , be prepared to find articles not only based on interesting game stats but also revolving around this sportsman’s charismatic persona both inside and outside the diamond field. And who knows - maybe soon we’ll hear some exciting announcement regarding his career plans or another kindhearted gesture catching us off guard!

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