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Pell Grant News & Breaking Stories

804,000 Borrowers to Benefit from Joe Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness
  • 16th Jul 2023

804,000 Borrowers to Benefit from Joe Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness

Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness program plans to cancel $39 billion in debt for over 804,000 borrowers. The relief is a result of adjustments made to income-driven repayment plans, and borrowers making 20 or 25 years' monthly IDR payments will be eligible for forgiveness. The Education Department aims to rectify "historical inaccuracies" in the tally of payments that qualify for forgiveness. Loan forgiveness will begin on July 14 for borrowers who have reached the forgiveness threshold. President Biden criticized Republican lawmakers for objecting to relief measures despite benefiting from loan forgiveness.

What news can we find under Pell Grant News Section?

So, ever wondered what news content typically pops up under the topic 'Pell Grant,' huh?

I mean, financial aid can be as thrilling as a suspense novel once you dive deep into it. Let's grab that metaphorical snorkel and plunge headlong into an ocean of information about Pell Grants! Ready?

Pell Grants are like those good luck pennies you happen upon on the sidewalk — they don't need to be paid back. Much of the news swirling around this topic focuses on changes in policies or award amounts by federal administration due to budgetary retargeting or socio-economic crises.

You might also stumble upon inspiring success stories of students being able to continue their education thanks to these grants. Quite heartwarming stuff right there!

Plus, periodically there are legislative alterations in eligibility criteria which become hot talk-town in news articles. Imagine major headlines reading: 'Does A Criminal Record Still Disqualify Students From Receiving Pell Grants?'

New technological integrations for easier access and application often garner attention too - something akin to a breaking-news-update! What if we log onto our digital devices one day and find that our favorite tech-giant has streamlined a seamless method exclusively for applying for Pell grants? That'd practically scream "news"!

Occasionally, heated debates involving potential fraud cases acting as parasites on the grant fund come under light. They may not sound appetizing but definitely add flavor in news volume pertaining to Pell grants.

A Closing Note...

In nutshell folks, topics regarding 'Pell Grant' float across a spectrum from policy shifts over individual triumphs down towards fraud busts - each holding different shades of interest texture! Does it feel less intimidating now? Here's hoping diving into such cues doesn’t seem so perplexing next time!

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