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Perfect game (baseball) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Perfect game (baseball) News Section?

Ever caught up on the latest chatter around Perfect Game, in baseball circles? You know, it's quite the intriguing subject matter for any sports aficionado! So what does 'perfect game' actually denote in baseball terminology? And more importantly, how frequent is this phenomenon and why does it garner such interest?

In simple words, a perfect game refers to a victory so flawless that no player from the opposing side manages to reach even first base throughout nine innings or more. The pitcher leading his team routinely draws plaudits after accomplishing this truly impressive feat!

Imagine delivering every single pitch to perfection. Compare it with pitching a no-hitter - although similar regarding zero hits allowed, there can still be runners reaching base due to an array of reasons: walks, hit by pitches or errors.

"So have perfect games become something like routine business?". Not at all! Since Major League Baseball's inception back in 1869(!), we've counted a mere 23 instances of this tour de force happening—talk about rarities!

We often hear tales of these elusive games etching their ways into history books while sparking frenzied celebrations - hallmarks that swiftly propel them onto highlight reels and front pages everywhere! Increased digitalization now allows us instantaneous access to both breaking news concerning future potential entries and cherished retrospectives reflecting on past glories.

No surprise then when we find content dissecting every facet of these occurrences; statistics reviews hinting toward key patterns; discussions vouching for or against certain players having the capability; recollections told by ex-players highlighting unseen challenges etc., all elegantly delivered right under your fingertips.

A must-follow topic indeed for so much behind-the-scenes insight into perseverence kissed by Lady Luck herself—the Perfect Game—a true testament not just within baseball but across sporting world!

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