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President of Syria News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under President of Syria News Section?

The Presidency of Syria: A Constant Use Source

So, what news material can we unearth when it comes to the contentious topic of the President of Syria? Well, few topics are as consistently topical or carry such international intensity.

To delve into this theme is quite similar to opening Pandora's box. Just like you'll never know what's hidden in an oyster till you pry it open; right?

The Syrian presidency has been a hotbed for news since Hafez al-Assad took office back in 1971. The subsequent reign of his son Bashar al-Assad after him further increased global interest, especially due to allegations concerning human rights violations and war crimes amid the ongoing civil war.

Thus, under 'President of Syria', one could invariably come across an array overflowing with distressing stories about political unrest and military clashes interspersed with moments of relative peace. You might ask - does these all there is?

Surely not! Political diplomats engaging in bickering matches at UN assemblies also make for good viewing (if that's your “cuppa joe”). Reports on diplomatic efforts - failed or successful – are abundant too"

"In politics, nothing happens by accident." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

You'd also find interviews offering insight into Assad’s mindset as he rules besieged nation and glimpses into life inside Syria amidst warfare thanks to brave journalists risking their lives on frontlines.

In summary? The subject ‘President of Syria’ offers ceaseless influxes where fact often bleeds indistinguishably into conjecture making absolute truth elusive…and isn’t dissecting real from faux half the thrill while consuming news?

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