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Probate court News & Breaking Stories

Michael Oher sues to end Tuohys' conservatorship
  • 14th Aug 2023

Michael Oher sues to end Tuohys' conservatorship

Former NFL tackle Michael Oher, known for the movie "The Blind Side," has filed a petition accusing his adoptive parents of lying to him and seeking a full accounting of the money earned from his name and story. He also asks to be paid what he is due, along with interest, and for the Tuohys to be sanctioned and required to pay damages. Oher wants the conservatorship to be terminated.

What news can we find under Probate court News Section?

Unraveling the Mysteries of Probate Court

Hey there, curious reader! Have you ever stumbled across the term Probate Court and wondered what in the world that's all about? Well, let me tell you, it's quite an interesting corner of the legal universe. Prince had his battles here; Aretha Franklin’s family as well… but don't worry – I’ll explain without requiring a law degree to understand!

The Basics:

You see, probate court is where we go when someone passes away. It sounds gloomy, doesn’t it? But really, this place plays a crucial role. It’s where wills are inspected for authenticity ("Hmmm... did Uncle Bob really want to leave his entire fortune to his Chihuahua?") and assets from estates are dished out.

The Drama Unfolds:

Sometimes though—the plot thickens! What if there’s no will? Or worse yet—what if two relatives each wave around a different last testament both claiming legitimacy? That's when probate news gets as juicy as your favorite sitcom cliffhanger with headlines like "Familial Feuds over Fortunes Fought in Probate." Issues related to guardianship or conservatorship might also pop up—yikes!

Nitty-Gritty Details:

Diving deeper into probate content can get technical (think tax implications), sentimental (the distribution of personal mementos), or sometimes downright bizarre (unexpected heirs emerging from afar). And always at center stage: legality meets reality under the stern gaze of Lady Justice.

A Closer Look In The News

Catchy stories aside—on any given day you might find articles covering legislation changes affecting estate planning or examples showcasing why having a clear-cut will can prevent Aunt Sally and Cousin Joe from turning holiday dinners into debates over who gets what tea set.

So while some may think reading up on

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