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Qatar Investment Authority News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Qatar Investment Authority News Section?

What News Content Can We Find Under The Topic Qatar Investment Authority?

If you're curious about what goes on around the financial powerhouse that is the 'Qatar Investment Authority' (QIA), then slide into your comfortable chair and join me for a quick ride. Created in 2005, QIA manages Qatar's whopping oil and gas reserves - it's quite the heavy hitter in global investment circles! But can you guess what makes it feature so prominently in world news? Well, buckle up; let's have a quick peek!

The QIA might appear as an underdog to some, but with its approximately $328 billion worth of assets worldwide, oh boy does it pack quite a punch! Do skyscrapers titillate your fancy? If so, look out London skyline; here comes the 'Shard' building among others - financed by none other than our heavyweight champion QIA.

Moving across oceans isn't too much trouble for this globetrotter either. In New York City lies Manhattan's famed Harrods department store – again invested by guessed right: QIA. Teaming up with Brookfield Property Partners to take ownership stakes isn't without its challenges though – exciting episodes indeed!

Returns on investments are always great, aren’t they? Well sometimes these returns could come adorned with clinking trophies in tow! Ever wondered how Paris Saint-Germain football club assembled such a star-studded squad? One name resonates clearly once more: QATAR INVESTMENT AUTHORITY.

So next time you view staggering properties or hear of blockbuster investment deals going down globally just remember—you may well be witnessing footprints of Qatar’s mighty investing arm at work! Isn’t that fascinating?

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