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Redundancy (engineering) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Redundancy (engineering) News Section?

Ever wondered exactly what falls under the topic of 'Redundancy' in engineering? You're about to find out. Let's start by making it crystal clear: redundant systems are all around us, forming an invisible safety net. Intriguing, right?

When we talk about redundancy in engineering, it doesn't mean unnecessary or superfluous parts, no siree! This term refers to duplication or multiplication of critical components of a system for bolstering its reliability and improving its robustness.

So where can you spot such redundancies hitting the news headlines? Well, that's everywhere - from aviation and automotive industries to IT infrastructure and urban planning.

Let's fancy jetliners as an example. Can you guess why planes don't tumble down midflight due to engine failures more often? That's courtesy of this incredible concept-"Engine Redundancy". The replica engines kick in when the active one fails, proving itself lifesaving! Amazing isn’t it?

Similarly, heartwarming stories emerge in data security as well.'Data Redundancy', where crucial information is stored at multiple sites simultaneously so catastrophic loss events don't spell doom for your precious data trove!

Picture software bugs causing chaos if there wasn’t 'Software Function Redundancy'. As soon as prime functions flake out under strain (or simply refuse to work) alternate routes come into play ensuring functionality doesn't lapse.

Can you imagine life-saving operations being interrupted because power blackouts without backup provisions?? Unthinkable with Power Supply Redundancies!

In short, redundancy ensures that failure wouldn’t ​lead​ ​to​ disaster; giving systems a second chance for deliverance against unforeseen glitches! It might sound overstated on paper but gives peace of mind knowing things will function even when part elements fail spectacularly!

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