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Sourdough News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Sourdough News Section?

Are you a home baker? Or maybe someone who enjoys the intricacies of kneading dough, carefully nurturing it as it rises, and witnessing the final moment when a ordinary mixture transforms into something marvelous? If so, then you’re no stranger to sourdough. This treasured staple has been in existence for centuries, captivating tastebuds with its wholesome goodness. But what's new under the topic 'sourdough'?

In our contemporary age where sustainability is key and homemade traditions are making a spirited comeback, sourdough is surfacing back on top for various reasons.

You might wonder why exactly is sourdough such a hot topic nowadays? Well, remember those long lockdown days when there was not much else to do except try out new hobbies at home? Yes indeed! People turned their kitchens into mini bakeries and began exploring artisanal bread-making techniques like sourdough baking.

We saw countless posts flood Instagram feeds with beautifully crafted delicacies that were crusty on the outside yet chewy on the inside - just perfect!

The trend does not seem to be fading away quickly too. Nowadays if you dive into this culinary world online, expect up-to-minute tips & tricks about how to maintain your ‘starter’, innovative ways of using leftover discard or even find discussions breaking down complex microbiology concepts behind how natural yeast works in fermentation. Interesting isn’t it?

Lets take another slice from news now…
. While earlier we weren't able to locate single-grain flours easily apart from typical all-purpose variety: times have changed! With interest peaked in health & wellness topics around GI issues & whole grain benefits impacting heart health – specialty stores (both interactive physical locations & e-commerce platforms) are shelling out varieties like never before! And believe it…here's some insight which would leave passionate bakers thrilled: Academia writing papers based off Flour Microbiome research owing its contribution largely through….Yes- YOUR loaf of homemade Sourdough! Marvelous isn’t? So whether you're an ardent hobbyist or simply holding curiosity regarding this steamy food-world drama … delve under ‘Sourdough’ and witness unfolding mysteries that could transform your everyday wheat-flour water mix into magical loaves!

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