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Team Penske News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Team Penske News Section?

Explore the Speedway with Team Penske

Hey, pals! Did you ever wade in the whirlpool of high speeds, burning tires, and adrenaline? That's right - we're going to immerse ourselves into the world of Team Penske, an established name in professional auto racing. So buckle up for some real speed thrills!

What exactly do we discover when prying under "Team Pensake"? Let's take a closer look. Ever heard about Roger S. Penske? Yes, that business magnate who founded this globally recognized team back in 1965.

Under Team Penske' s hood you'll stumble upon news regarding their top drivers; wonder guys like Brad Keselowski or Joey Logano are familiar names among NASCAR fans. Don't they make your pulses race every time they rev their engines on that racetrack?

The Heart Racing Wins!

A glimpse at their victories is another fascinating tale; imagine holding onto your steering wheel while whizzing past competitors to win over 500 major races (including Daytona 500) or clenching over 40 championships! Pretty remarkable huh? It’s like becoming a fan favorite movie star overnight!

Penskeeper Corner: What rolls out Next?

You can dine on updates about upcoming events as well – be it IndyCar Series schedules or cup series races, trust me when I say those diaries are more packed than Times Square at New Year’s Eve! Doesn’t all these news provide enough fodder for any motor sport enthusiast? Scanning through 'Team Penske,' it seems difficult not to get drawn towards fast lane battles between ace drivers chasing chequered flags – don’t you think so too?

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