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Triage News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Triage News Section?

Triage: The Hotspot of Pressing News Content

Ever wondered what the term 'Triage' entails in the realm of news content? No, it's not another medical jargon! Intriguingly enough, you may have done a bit of triage yourself without even realizing it.

Let’s dive deeper!

'Triage', with its roots in French that translates to 'sorting', is witnessing an increasing usage within the sphere of new-age journalism. Sound confusing?

Aren't we all guilty at times of sorting out our priorities meticulously when drowning under work or during a Netflix binge session on a lazy Sunday? That's essentially what triage means - determining importance and order based on severity or urgency.

But does this concept apply to news content then?

####Embracing Triage in Journalism###
  • In rapidly paced scenarios where hundreds and thousands of bytes flood into newsrooms every day, resorting to sort through these stacks becomes imperative. Here comes 'triage' as our gamechanger! Think about journalists prioritizing which stories will hit your breakfast table before others due to urgency, significance or popular public interest.
  • The process can also include deciding which format would be most effective for each piece – whether print newspaper features would do justice or multimedia online reports could generate broader reader engagement.
The idea behind using this "media epidemic" buzzword might seem poetic but carries deep impact nonetheless. Have you ever noticed particularly dire global events suddenly rising from nowhere onto your social media feed only because they were communicated after following triage? Weaving this technique helps us glimpse upon significant shreds while putting less pressing ones aside temporarily. Thus, next time we hear 'triage', remember how subtly it influences shaping up what we perceive as important around us daily!

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