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Notes From Baltimore All Souls' Day
  • 2nd Nov 2023

Notes From Baltimore All Souls' Day

The Catholic Church in Baltimore is struggling, with low attendance and financial difficulties leading to bankruptcy and church closures. The city itself is also facing high crime rates and a decline in safety. The situation reflects a larger trend of societal decay and a sense of uncertainty.

Proposed Kroger-Albertsons Merger Raises Concerns about Closures and Agricultural Impacts in Greeley
  • 8th Sep 2023

Proposed Kroger-Albertsons Merger Raises Concerns about Closures and Agricultural Impacts in Greeley

Greeley residents fear that the proposed merger of Kroger and Albertsons will result in store closures, higher prices, and job losses. Regulators are reviewing the merger, and concerns about previous closures during mergers have been raised. Labor groups argue that the merger puts union jobs at risk, while farmers worry about decreased competition and potential food deserts in rural areas. Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser is skeptical of the promises made by the companies and plans to meet with executives before deciding whether to challenge the merger. Public comments on the merger can be submitted to

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