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Jessica Alba's mindful tool kit: crystals, charms and meditation essentials

Jessica Alba premieres action film "Trigger Warning" on Netflix, while also focusing on family and sharing her favorite products.

Jessica Alba, known for her growth mindset in both business and personal life, is making a comeback to her action roots with "Trigger Warning," now available on Netflix. This time, as an executive producer, Alba had more creative control over the film, aiming to portray a strong female lead who is not a typical damsel in distress. Through intense training and fight choreography, Alba embodies the character of Parker, balancing softness and vulnerability with rage as she seeks vengeance for her father's death.

Aside from her acting career, Alba is also the founder of The Honest Company, which recently launched the home makeover show "Honest Renovations" on Roku. As a mother of three, Alba's summer plans involve spending quality time with her children and hosting memorable gatherings. Known for her impeccable style, Alba shares some of her favorite fashion and beauty essentials that help her look and feel her best.

From stylish accessories like watches and sunglasses to skincare products and hair tools, Alba's recommendations reflect her commitment to clean ingredients and self-care. She also highlights the importance of hydration, skincare, and self-expression through accessories like personalized bags and eye masks. In addition to her fashion and beauty picks, Alba shares her favorite books, crystals, and mindfulness tools that contribute to her overall well-being and personal growth.

Alba's recommendations range from practical everyday items to thoughtful gifts for friends, showcasing her attention to detail and commitment to living a balanced and fulfilling life. By incorporating these products and practices into her daily routine, Alba sets an example of how to prioritize self-care, mindfulness, and personal growth in a busy and bustling world.

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