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Earth's rotation News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Earth's rotation News Section?

Unraveling Earth's Rotation

Ever wondered what makes the Sun appear to 'rise and set'? You're not alone! Welcome aboard this fascinating journey into understanding the marvel known as Earth's rotation. Just like a spinning top, our planet rotates on its own axis. But what does that entail, you ask? Let's break it down!

The absolutely stunning phenomenon of day turning into night is all thanks to this celestial twirl. Imagine yourself whirling around in an office chair; pretty similar picture right? The difference being – your desk isn't illuminated every time you face the computer screen, unlike the Earth facing the sun giving us daytime.

New insights about how this spin-off affects various spheres of life are found every day by astronomers and researchers across globe. Such reports dramatically alter our perception towards climate change predictions or space missions planning.

Hurricanes & Climate Factor

You might be surprised to know that even hurricanes have a connection with earth’s rotation? Yeah! It influences their direction - Explain why we never see them near equator please? Google "Coriolis Effect". That'll keep you busy for hours!

The Leap Second Conundrum

Did you know our days are technically getting longer?

This fact may earn baffled looks but hey, don’t shoot the messenger. Due to gradual slowdown in Earth's rotational speed - no biggie just by a couple milliseconds per century - Scientists periodically add “leap seconds” to atomic clocks ensuring they sync up with solar time. By laying out such intriguing facts about earth’s rotation sheds light on its vital role in upholding life as we perceive it now. So next time when you glance at brilliant sunrise or feel wind caressing your skin, remember how these tiny elements contribute immensely owing to mind-blowing element called 'Earth’s Rotation'.

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