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Guy Oseary News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Guy Oseary News Section?

Getting to Know Guy Oseary – A Journey into His World

Ever wondered what's buzzing lately in the world of Hollywood's most influential insiders?

If you dig around, one name is bound to pop up - Guy Oseary. The Israeli-American talent manager and entrepreneur extraordinaire has an intriguing narrative that fuels many news content pieces. So why all this fuss about him, you might ask? Let me take you on a swift journey.

The Man behind the Scene: Securing Headlines

Oseary, born and brought up in Jerusalem before moving to Los Angeles at five years old, launched himself into fame as Madonna’s longtime manager. But his involvement didn't stop just there! He formed Maverick Records with her and turned it into one of the industry's success stories.

The tale gets richer from there as he co-founded venture capital firm A-Grade Investments, partnering with notables like Ashton Kutcher and Ronald Burkle. They dived deep into highly profitable ventures such as Airbnb, Uber & Soundcloud - I bet your ears perked up at those names!

Dipping toes beyond Music & Hollywood

Intriguingly enough though, our protagonist isn’t confined only within entertainment circles or financial rhetorics anymore; Oseary isn’t afraid to roll his sleeves alongside philanthropists either.

Scooping parts of wealth for charitable causes through 'Uprising Of Love', a non-profit organization targeting support towards LGBTI communities worldwide stands among other numerous contributions so far made by him.

To Summarize..

All things considered then, news related to Guy Oseary spans from business conquests right down till charity work done out of unadulterated compassion; quite simply drilling down the breathtaking profundity behind merely being a ‘celebrity’ don't you reckon?

Come back next time for more inside scoops around lifestyles intersecting glamourous paths with enduring passion & dedicated hardwork!.

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