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High tech News & Breaking Stories

AI bear case
  • 27th Jun 2024

AI bear case

Tech giants to spend $1tn on AI, but skeptics doubt transformative potential due to high costs and limited capabilities. Will it pay off?

Dramatic Search for Missing F-35 Fighter Jet - Inventiva
  • 18th Sep 2023

Dramatic Search for Missing F-35 Fighter Jet - Inventiva

A state-of-the-art F-35 fighter jet has gone missing, causing shockwaves throughout the military and the nation. The disappearance has prompted an intensive search effort and public assistance is being sought. The loss of the advanced military asset raises concerns about national security. The pilot's swift ejection saved their life, and their perspective will be crucial in unraveling the mystery. The nation anxiously awaits updates and hopes for a safe return of the fighter jet.

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