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Hollywood Vampires (band) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Hollywood Vampires (band) News Section?

Unleashing the Hollywood Vampires

Superstar collaborations don't just happen in movies, right? Being a music lover yourself, have you heard of Hollywood Vampires (band)? No? Well then get ready for a phenomenal ride through the high-octane world of rock and roll. This supergroup is an electrifying testament to the power of collaborative genius.

The band was formed by none other than Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp and Joe Perry. They were joined later by Duff McKagan and Matt Sorum from Guns N’ Roses fame. Can you feel the exhilarating suspense building up?

"Why did they choose that vampire motif?", I hear you ask. You see,the name "Hollywood Vampires" is actually a tribute to a celebrity drinking club in 70s LA which included members like John Lennon and Keith Moon! An interesting retrospection into history, wouldn't you agree?

Sonically unwinding their discography feels like stumbling upon treasure! Their debut album released back in 2015 with mostly cover songs dedicated to deceased rock musicians lost to drug addiction or premature deaths-a poignant reflection indeed!

Want more trivia on this epic collaboration? Aside from two studio albums till now; followed-up in 2019 titled "Rise". With 16 tracks featuring some original work alongside old classics redefined under their unique sound dynamics; it really allows us listeners to experience continual evolution within their craft- deliciously baffling isn’t it?

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