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James Jones (basketball, born 1980) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under James Jones (basketball, born 1980) News Section?

Hey! Have you ever wondered what the chatter surrounding James Jones, the talented basketball player born in 1980 is all about? Today, we'll shed some light on this intriguing figure. Grab a seat, and let's get started!

A Career Worth Remembering

'Big Game James', as he's often referred to by fans, fostered an impressive career in professional mainstream basketball that dates from 2003 up until his retirement in 2017. News reports during these glorified fourteen years prominently feature incredible game performances with various NBA teams including Indiana Pacers, Phoenix Suns, Miami Heat to which can be attached three back-to-back championship titles (2012-2014), Cleveland Cavaliers and later transitioning into sports management.

An Exemplary Transition

Now isn't it fantastic how one can seamlessly transition from being a player on court shooting three-pointers to donning a suit & tie handling operation logistics for an entire team? That’s exactly what Jones did after retiring from active play,

Jones first took over as Vice President for Basketball Operations at 'Phoenix Suns' before becoming their General Manager in 2019 – It was like watching Michael Jordan pull off one of his trademark slam dunks – simple yet breathtakingly astounding!

The Latest Scoops

Possibly contemplating another shift? Various recent news articles have been point towards rumors of him arrantly intending to leave Phoenix Suns within few years. However without credible confirmation yet but hey - aren’t we all excited to see where Big Game James takes us next?

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