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Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives News & Breaking Stories

  • 14th Jul 2023

"WHO Claims Aspartame, an Artificial Sweetener, Possibly Linked to Cancer; Guidelines Unaltered"

The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified aspartame as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" due to limited evidence showing a potential link between aspartame and liver cancer. However, the WHO's Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) found the association between aspartame consumption and cancer in humans unconvincing and did not change the acceptable daily intake of 40 mg/kg per body weight. The WHO is advising moderation and suggests drinking water instead. The US FDA disagrees with the WHO's conclusion, stating that aspartame has been heavily studied and is safe.

What news can we find under Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives News Section?

Discover the World of Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives

Hello there, curious reader! Ever wondered what goes on under the intriguing title 'Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives'? Hang tight, you're about to uncover a whole new world nestled between food safety, international standards and public health.

The "Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives", (or JECFA in short!) is an international scientific committee at the crossroads of expertise. It's administrated jointly by two instrumental global bodies - The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). You're probably thinking, "Interesting! But what do they *actually* do?" Well...

JECFA plays a key role in evaluating food additives. Think preservatives in your favorite canned soup or colors in that enticing candy bar – they assess their safety for consumers like you and me!

Their job doesn't stop there though; they also evaluate residues from veterinary drugs found in food-producing animals. Imagine them as detectives with microscopes! This work aids standard-setting processes crucial to international trade.

You may be asking yourself now—"Why should I care?". Simply put — our daily diet lays a substantial impact over our health; not only currently but also down future generations lines. So who ensures if what we consume is actually safe?

This is where news content related to JECFA comes into play—providing us relevant information about newest evaluated substances, changes initiated in existing regulations or any other noteworthy findings within this wide realm of science! Quite fascinating isn't it?

A Peek Into Global Food Safety Standards Within Your Reach!

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