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La La Land (soundtrack) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under La La Land (soundtrack) News Section?

Exploring the Enchanting Symphony: The La La Land Soundtrack

Did you know that 'La La Land', a romantic drama film, is as famous for its soundtrack as it is for its entrancing storyline? Yes, the melodious aura created by Justin Hurwitz bridges emotions and celluloid like never before. So let's jazz up our knowledge about this spectacular movie album!

The first toe-tapping marvel of the 'La La Land' soundtrack? "Another Day Of Sun". A refreshingly buoyant number celebrating everyday struggles with an upbeat rhythm that instantly stirs positive vibes. Can music actually sketch out vibrant city-life visuals in your head? You bet!

Music engraves deeper feelings too! Remember "Mia & Sebastian’s Theme"? Aren't soundtracks job to get us emotionally attached to characters we may not even exist?. Well, this lilting piano piece does just that. It gently nudges rather than insistently tugs at those heartstrings.

Then there's that heart-rending duet between Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone – "City Of Stars." Did it sweep you off your feet? With their on-screen chemistry simmered down into warming notes of longing and hope.

Another gem from the collection would definitely be "Start A Fire," a pure pop song filled with hooks galore making it radio-friendly fare we all love.

Could anyone expect something lesser from Grammy-nominated composer Justin Hurwitz who masterfully slides between classic musical traditions and modern melodies? Ask yourselves - Doesn't it make revisiting these tunes more delightful when they offer such rich variance? Isn’t each track coupled in harmony with every scene merely amplifying narratives in subtler ways? It's truly fascinating how much news content surrounds one cinematic production envelope – ‘The La la Land Soundtrack.’ . So folks, ready for another dive into this sonic journey to explore further revelations? Let me close on a cheerful note borrowed from another unrivaled song score, "Audition (The Fools Who Dream)"; always remember- “Here’s to the hearts who ache / Here’s to the mess we make.” Cheers!.

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