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Makeup sex News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Makeup sex News Section?

Unpacking Makeup Sex: What's New in the Conversation?

If you've ever ended a seemingly never-ending argument with your significant other by locking lips and heading to the bedroom, then you're likely no stranger to makeup sex. But what's making news about "makeup sex"? Well, let's dive right into it!

To begin with, experts are debating over this phenomenon. Some argue that it forms a crucial aspect of relationship dynamics because nothing beats letting off steam after an intense squabble like intimacy. Studies have even tagged it as a kind of "bonding experience," strengthening connections between couples.

On the flip side, others say relying on this mechanism could be risky. See, if makeup sex becomes your default resolution tool every time there’s conflict - don't you think we might be missing something? Are we bypassing communication and understanding for momentary pleasure? It sounds similar to applying concealer on acne instead of treating it at its root; plausible short-term but surely problematic long-term!

New studies suggest adopting healthier coping mechanisms such as dialogue and mutual agreement instead of resorting instantly to physical intimacy.
Does all this mean we should ditch the entire concept altogether? Not Quite! Perhaps striking balance is key.

The world is increasingly becoming open-minded about discussions related to sexual behaviour.While many topics around 'sex' remain taboo for some cultures,the conversation on makeup-sex has definitely started flowing! And isn't that progress in itself?

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