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Oath Keepers News & Breaking Stories

Ray Epps sentenced probation
  • 10th Jan 2024

Ray Epps sentenced probation

Ray Epps, a man accused of being an undercover federal agent, has been sentenced to one year of probation.

What news can we find under Oath Keepers News Section?

Oath Keepers - A Dive into the News

Are you familiar with a group called the Oath Keepers? Ever wondered what they're all about or why they're frequently mentioned in various news headlines?

The Oath Keepers, as it turns out, are a far-right anti-government militia organization made up of current and former military, police, and first responder personnel. They have been widely covered across different media platforms for their actions and worldviews which are often seen as controversial.

This group primarily operates within the United States but their influence stretches beyond borders such that they pop up tactilely on global radars. Curious about some recent storylines associated with them? Imagine dissension gravitating towards an edgy political climate and you won't be too far off.

Newsworthy Events Connected to Oath Keepers

News content featuring Oath Keepers generally revolves around several hot-button issues; namely firearms rights, perceived government overreach, constitutional controversies; can you see where this is heading?

One notable nugget of information includes their involvement in major public events like rallies against lockdown measures due to COVID-19 or even protests questioning validity of 2020 Presidential elections results. Sounds intense?'Course it does!


An essential piece we mustn't overlook would be their footprint at U.S Capitol Building riots on January 6th, 2021. Amidst throngs calling for "Justice" & claiming electoral fraud conspiracy theories – there were members from The Oathkeepers who stood accused & faced trial! Now how's that for captivating news right?

Hoping your curiosity is piqued by now? So just remember—unlike most clubs out there— news involving the Oath Keepers isn't for the faint-hearted. But hey! Isn't this precisely what makes them a consistent piece of compelling news?

Remember - reality is no less stranger than fiction sometimes! And when it comes to The Oath keepers, we are talking something akin to an unfolding political thriller series.

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