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Oleksandr Usyk News & Breaking Stories

What channel is Tyson Fury vs. Francis Ngannou on? How to watch, buy 2023 boxing fight
  • 27th Oct 2023

What channel is Tyson Fury vs. Francis Ngannou on? How to watch, buy 2023 boxing fight

Tyson Fury will face Francis Ngannou in a non-title fight in Saudi Arabia on October 28. The fight will be broadcast on ESPN+ PPV in the U.S. and TNT Sports in the U.K. Fury, the WBC heavyweight champion, is expected to face Oleksandr Usyk next to determine the undisputed heavyweight champion. Despite his advantage in boxing experience, Fury is taking Ngannou seriously and believes his training with combat sports stars will help him in the fight. Ngannou, a former UFC heavyweight champion, believes he has found weaknesses in Fury and predicts a knockout victory. The fight will be available on ESPN+ PPV in the U.S., TNT Sports Box Office in the U.K., and DAZN in Australia.

Boxers Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou scheduled for October bout in Saudi Arabia
  • 12th Jul 2023

Boxers Tyson Fury and Francis Ngannou scheduled for October bout in Saudi Arabia

Boxing champion Tyson Fury and ex-UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou will fight in Saudi Arabia on October 28. The fight will take place in a regulation ring with three ringside judges using the 10-point scoring system. The fight announcement did not specify whether the bout will count on the fighters' professional boxing records or whether Fury's WBC heavyweight title will be on the line.

What news can we find under Oleksandr Usyk News Section?

Oleksandr Usyk: The Star of Boxing's Heavyweight Division

Ever thought much about boxing? Even if you're not a big fan, the name Oleksandr Usyk might ring a bell. You know how it is when everyone starts talking about one person who seems to be changing the game? Well, that's Oleksandr in the heavyweight division of professional boxing.

A Ukrainian powerhouse, this chap has been stealing headlines and right hooks almost equivalently! Born on January 17, 1987, Usyk carved out his path to stardom with sheer grit and determination. Got wood for wonderment yet?

In his profession where excellence meets endurance daily in arduous contests inside the squared circle, this southpaw stance genius stands as an enigma. He dominated cruiserweight division before stepping into the daunting world of heavyweights - quite similar to diving into deeper waters after ruling over a pond - wouldn't you agree?

"How good is he?", you ask. Imagine walking up an escalator moving down but still reaching at top faster than anyone can imagine- That's Usyk for you! In just ten fights at pro level; six World Championship wins came knocking onto his door.

Early champions are often dubbed flashes-in-the-pan until they prove their mettle against all styles & sizes- so naturally doubts surfaced about him conquering heavier classes too – kindred spirits remember Evander Holyfield’s uphill-overcoming feat here?

The news on 'Olympic 2012 gold medalist' Oleksandr never shy away from praising his ghost-like footwork or unexpected power punches either– they say “Seeing is believing”, but despite watching many fail to decipher what hits them till referee begins counting!

Beyond Boxing

Apart from fighting inside rings wrapped around four ropes– there exists more layers under surface of our man ‘Usyk’. He’s partaken passionately into politics back home besides espousing humanitarian causes earnestly across globe thus painting multifaceted picture beautifully.

To sum it all up; When sifting through ocean called internet looking specifically for something uniquely inspiring –name "Oleksandr Usyk" certainly pops up like beacon among shadows-casting skyscrapers amidst neon-lit city skyline doesn’t it?

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