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Ryan Garcia doping test: B sample opened, fate revealed

Ryan Garcia's B sample opened after positive test for Ostarine. Facing suspension, Garcia threatens to create own boxing league. Scandal unfolds.

The recent opening of Ryan Garcia's B sample for anti-doping testing has brought the possibility of a heavy punishment closer following his positive test for Ostarine in the fight against Devin Haney. John Haney previously issued a threatening video against Garcia, warning of the countdown to the B test opening. While the results are not yet known, boxing insider Dan Rafael confirmed the opening of the sample, with potential results expected in the coming days or weeks due to Memorial Day festivities.

If Garcia tests positive again, he could face a suspension of one to two years and a financial penalty. Devin Haney's team has requested the New York State Athletic Commission to revoke the decision in favor of Haney if Garcia is found guilty. This could eliminate the possibility of a rematch between the two fighters.

In the event of a negative B sample result, the controversy surrounding Garcia could fade, leading to discussions of potential future fights. However, Garcia's recent statements against promoter Eddie Hearn, accusing him of being part of a conspiracy to discredit him, have added fuel to the fire. Despite his strong words, Garcia later posed for a photo with Hearn, creating confusion among fans.

Garcia has expressed his defiance, stating that he is willing to create his own boxing league and continue fighting regardless of any potential suspension. His recent social media posts from Brazil suggest a carefree attitude towards the situation, hinting that he is unfazed by the impending test results.

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