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Sexual slavery News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Sexual slavery News Section?

The subject of sexual slavery strikes us with a profound sense of discomfort, stirring emotions and invoking questions that we, as civilized versions of humanity, find deeply unsettling. So what news content could possibly lie beneath this derogatory topic? Let's tense our muscles and dive into the deep end for a moment.

We often associate 'news' with ongoing events; however, when it comes to sexual slavery - which is unquestionably one of the darkest corners of human rights abuses - we're not just talking about current incidents. In fact, delving into historical contexts might take us back to World War II when Japanese military used women as "comfort women." Or maybe even further: hundreds of thousands transported via Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade had their freedoms ripped away under this horrendous practice.

Moving into contemporary times though doesn't bring much comfort does it? From ISIS selling Yezidi women in Iraq as sex slaves to North Korean defectors sharing alarming tales where they've been forced into becoming part of cybersex trafficking rings in China.

Frighteningly enough, these aren't isolated cases. Does it make you wonder why such abhorrent practices persist despite legislative efforts globally? One hard-hitting reason could be massive profits generated by traffickers from this black-market trade estimated at $32 billion annually according to a U.N report!

Incorporating stories like above forms major chunk of news pieces pertaining sexual slavery making them instrumental guides shedding light on systemic failures while urging readers (maybe You?) towards proposing counteractive policy changes. After all,"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere", wouldn’t you agree?

To sum up…

From historical atrocities through modern day humanitarian crises; narratives around sexual slavery found typically within news sectors starkly paint both cultural portraitures alongside geopolitical undertones crucial towards understanding associated complexities behind abolishing such brutal exploits once & for all.

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