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Tabloid (newspaper format) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Tabloid (newspaper format) News Section?

Do you know what tabloid (newspaper format) refers to? No worries if not, let me take you on a quick journey down the bustling streets of print news! A tabloid, in terms of newspaper format, is referred to as such due to its size - approximately 11x17 inches. It's compact and easy-to-handle - think about it like your go-to paperback novel compared to a heavy hardcover book. Now that we've imagined the physical form, but what actually fills these easily readable pages?

Flick through any tabloid paper and find yourself embroiled in an array of sensational stories—celebrity gossip spills over here, there are flashy headlines splashed across with a spritz of drama everywhere. You'll also spot photographs more plentiful than text tiles on Scrabble-board. The recipe is simple; controversy sells and nobody does that better than a racy 'Tab'. Sounds enticing huh? But cautionary note: Always consider both sides before reaching conclusions.

In addition to celebrity tidbits or scandalous scoops involving high-profile individuals, sports coverage too gets prominent real estate. Seasonal events also frequently appear - The Oscars anyone? Yet again though remember where you’re at – these aren’t run-of-the-mill dry reports but ‘juiced-up’ versions meant for entertainment more than fact-checking. Surely now can see why Tabloids have such mass appeal?

To close our mini tour under the canvas of journalism; they quite frankly become talking pieces at coffee-breaks around office kettles worldwide. Ready for some breathtaking roller-coaster rides now screaming through intriguing back-stories behind captivating images? Hope this unearthing journey into world of Tabloids has been enlightening!

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