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"BBC's Huw Edwards Seeks Guidance from Ex-Tabloid Editor on Allegations of Sex Photo Involvement"

BBC presenter Huw Edwards receives advice from former tabloid editor.

The Guardian has reported that Huw Edwards, the main prime-time news presenter for the BBC, and his family are seeking advice from Andy Coulson, a former editor of the News of the World tabloid. According to the newspaper, Edwards' wife, Vicky Flind, who is also a television producer, consulted with Coulson before releasing a statement on Wednesday night that identified her husband.

Currently, Edwards is in the hospital, as confirmed by his wife. This comes after allegations surfaced that he paid £35,000 for inappropriate photos of a teenage crack user. Coulson, who now runs a crisis management public relations agency, previously served as the editor of News of the World from 2003 to 2007. He later became the communications director for former Prime Minister David Cameron. In 2014, Coulson was imprisoned for hacking offenses.

Coulson's support for Edwards puts him at odds with his former boss, Rupert Murdoch, who is the owner of The Sun newspaper and News UK. The Sun was the first to publish the allegations against Edwards, but faced backlash after the Metropolitan Police decided not to pursue criminal charges. The Sun argued that their original story was in the public interest as it gave voice to concerned parents.

While Edwards has yet to speak publicly about the allegations, his former colleague Jon Sopel revealed on ITV's Good Morning Britain that they have been in contact. Sopel mentioned that Edwards was angry and disappointed with The Sun's coverage and was not too impressed with the BBC's coverage either. Sopel added that everyone who knows Edwards wishes him good luck.

In conclusion, Huw Edwards, the BBC's main prime-time news presenter, and his family have sought advice from former News of the World editor Andy Coulson amidst allegations of paying for inappropriate photos. Coulson's support for Edwards has caused a rift with his former boss Rupert Murdoch. While Edwards has not publicly addressed the allegations, his former colleague has revealed his anger and disappointment with the media coverage.

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