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Alias (TV series) News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Alias (TV series) News Section?

Unfolding 'Alias': All About The TV Series

No kidding fellas! Who among you has not been hooked to the fierce, intriguing yet admirable Jennifer Garner as Sydney Bristow in Alias? What a thrilling ride that was, right? “So what exactly can I find today about this classic series?”, some may wonder. Well folks, let’s embark on this journey of catch-up together!

The Nostalgia Kick: First and foremost, top trending news revolves around celebrating 20 years since Alias hit our screens! Pop culture enthusiasts are creating content that shares phenomenal anniversary posts with amazing ‘then’ and ‘now’ pictures of the cast. Celebrities involved share personal behind-scenes anecdotes which fans would love - quite like stepping into a time machine!

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