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Jennifer Garner opens up about Ben Affleck and Matt Damon in recent interview

Jennifer Garner opens up about Golden Globes joke referencing Ben Affleck's alleged affair with nanny, emphasizes importance of co-parenting.

After Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck parted ways, speculation arose that Affleck was involved in a romantic entanglement with their nanny. Despite Affleck's strong denial of these claims, his alleged infidelity became the subject of a jest at the Golden Globes. Host Ricky Gervais, while introducing Affleck's close friend Matt Damon, alluded to the affair rumors, causing a ripple in the public eye. Garner, who had previously won a Golden Globe for her role in Alias, shared her reaction to the joke.

During the 2016 Golden Globe Awards, Gervais welcomed Damon on stage, humorously labeling him as "the only person who Ben Affleck hasn't been unfaithful to." Garner, who had tuned in to watch the event, disclosed that the remark did not faze her. In an interview with Vanity Fair, she expressed her understanding of human flaws and the complexities of relationships, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and self-care amidst adversity.

"I chuckled," Garner remarked. "People make mistakes, experience regret, and feel shame. No one should harbor animosity on my behalf. I harbor no ill will. We don't need to vilify him."

Addressing the swirling rumors of infidelity, Affleck's representative vehemently dismissed the allegations as baseless fabrications. Garner acknowledged being aware of the speculations but clarified that they were not the catalyst for their separation.

"Let me clarify," Garner stated. "We had already been living separate lives before the nanny saga unfolded. She played no role in our decision to part ways. It was a separate issue entirely."

While hinting at the validity of the rumors, Garner admitted to the challenges of explaining such scandals to her children. Despite the emotional turmoil of the divorce, she emphasized the importance of prioritizing their children's well-being and maintaining an amicable co-parenting relationship with Affleck.

"It's not Ben's responsibility to ensure my happiness," Garner affirmed. "Our focus is on our children, and we are aligned in our aspirations for them. Although I may have lost certain dreams, witnessing the joy on my children's faces when he returns home is priceless. Their love for him is undeniable, and that connection transcends any personal grievances."

In the following years, Garner and Affleck have strived to sustain a cordial rapport. In 2024, they celebrated Father's Day together, showcasing their commitment to co-parenting. Garner has reportedly extended her support to Affleck amidst his rumored relationship woes with Jennifer Lopez, highlighting their shared dedication to their children's well-being above all else.

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